Sea Change——巨變 ** a complete change; a marked transformation ~~巨變;翻天覆地的變化;徹底變化;徹底轉變;大轉變;顯著的轉變;根本性的改變 ~~radical change;drastic change;dramatic change;profound change;fundamental change;substantial change;revolutionary change;radical shift;transformation !!The phrase originated as“suffer a sea change”in Shakespeare’s play The Tempest (1:2; 1612), where Ariel sang (line 474-480): Full fathom five thy father lies. Of his bones are coral made.Those are pearls that were his eyes. Nothing of him that doth fade.But doth suffer a sea change.Into something rich and strange. 這術語起源於莎士比亞的戲劇《暴風雨》(1:2;1612年)中的“suffer a sea change”,Ariel在劇中唱道(第474-480行):你父親躺在海底五十英尺。他的骨頭是由珊瑚製成的,那珍珠是他的眼睛。他身上沒有任何東西會褪色,但會經歷翻天覆地的變化,變成豐富而奇異的東西。 !! The term was shortened to sea change (changed by the sea) in the latter part of the 19th century,to mean profound transformation caused by any agency.The term is frequently used in a grandiloquent and perhaps irrelevant way of saying‘change.’ 該術語在19世紀後期被縮寫為sea change(海洋帶來的變化),意指由任何中介引起的深刻變樣。這個詞常被用來誇張地、或許無關的方式來表達“改變”。 >> Study Hard is entering a sea change period now that it has partnered with Buzzup Ltd. Study Hard與Buzzup Ltd.合作後,正進入一個巨變時期。 >> A sea change will occur after the presidential election in the USA. 美國在總統大選後,將會發生翻天覆地的變化。 學勤進修教育中心英語專科導師 李啟文教授 |